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Sunday, March 29, 2009

AMA, CREDI E VAI (Because we believe) - Andrea Bocelli

Did-Not-Vandalised at
11:28 PM

went for the uk education fair the other day..
glad i went though.. hahaha.. got to meet simon and june..
simon’s the representative from the university itself..
and june is the representative from INTO partnerships..
pleasantly surprised seeing her there.. was expecting tom to be there though..
but nevertheless.. its better to know one more person.. hahaha..

was speaking to simon about the university and the place as a whole..
now im looking forward to going there already.. hahaha..
although he says he prefers singapore.. dry and stuff..
while over there.. its wet and cold.. hahaha..
owells.. its always exciting to first experience it..
ill curse about the weather there later on.. hahaha..

anyway.. i reformatted my computer..
got irritated with the speed and stuff..
and when a virus hit me.. i decided to reformat it.. hahaha
now im having a relatively faster computer.. but..
can’t expect too much out of this old machine.. can i ?

nowadays working from 9 to 5..
nice timing eh ? but thats the time i start work..
without having my transportation factored in..
if not.. it will be 7 to 7.. lolx..
can u imagine.. 2 hours to travel to and fro.. zzz..

3 more weeks of training left !
and then ill be on board.. hope to earn lots of money..
hahaha.. then i can get a better laptop and stuff..
and hopefully have some cash left for travelling ! hahahhaa..

its still too early to say..
5 months.. i know it will pass by in a blink of an eye..
i hope it does..

Did-Not-Vandalised at
7:17 PM

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

just a little advert.. =)

Did-Not-Vandalised at
9:49 PM

first day of work !
ok.. actually its the second day already but its because i slept early last night..
was ultra tiring.. it feels like its back to school..
the notes are sooo thick and theres sooo much information filtering through..
and my brain’s kinda stubborn, blocking out most of it.. lolx..
one day of training down ! 19 more to go ! lolx..
this is crazy.. but wierdly, im looking forward to it though.. hahaha..
shall see how is pans out slowly..
alright ! ill be late if i don’t get ready to leave soon.. hahhahahha


What a wonderful world – Michael Buble

I see skies of blue, clouds of white
The bright blessed day
The dark sacred night
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
and I think to myself, what a wonderful world

The colours of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shakin' hands, sayin' "How do you do?"
They're really saying "I love you"

I hear babies cry, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll ever know
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

All the colours of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shakin' hands sayin' "How do you do"
They're really saying "I love you"

I hear babies cry, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than ill ever know
and I think to myself what a wonderful world
Yes, I think to myself, what a wonderful world

Did-Not-Vandalised at
5:58 AM

Saturday, March 21, 2009

i plucked this off some email i received from someone..
find it quite interesting though..
seems like it has been copied from some website by someone.. hahaha..
very very long post though.. enjoy reading..

as people always say.. ladies first.. so..


The tribute to the nice girls.

By Jessica Leigh Griffith

This is my tribute to the nice girls. To the nice girls who are overlooked, who become friends and nothing more, who spend hours fixating upon their looks and their personalities and their actions because it must be they that are doing something wrong. This is for the girls who don’t give it up on the first date, who don’t want to play mind games, who provide a comforting hug and a supportive audience for a story they’ve heard a thousand times. This is for the girls who understand that they aren’t perfect and that the guys they’re interested in aren’t either, for the girls who flirt and laugh and worry and obsess over the slightest glance, whisper, touch, because somehow they are able to keep alive that hope that maybe… maybe this time he’ll have understood. This is an homage to the girls who laugh loud and often, who are comfortable in skirts and sweats and combat boots, who care more than they should for guys who don’t deserve their attention. This is for those girls who have been in the trenches, who have watched other girls time and time again fake up and make up and fuck up the guys in their lives without saying a word. This is for the girls who have been there from the beginning and have heard the trite words of advice, from “there are plenty of fish in the sea,” to “time heals all wounds.” This is to honor those girls who know that guys are just as scared as they are, who know that they deserve better, who are seeking to find it.

This is for the girls who have never been in love, but know that it’s an experience that they don’t want to miss out on. For the girls who have sought a night with friends and been greeted by a night of catcalling, rude comments and explicit invitations that they’d rather not have experienced. This is for the girls who have spent their weekends sitting on the sidelines of a beer pong tournament or a case race, or playing Florence Nightingale for a vomiting guy friend or a comatose crush, who have received a drunk phone call just before dawn from someone who doesn’t care enough to invite them over but is still willing to pass out in their bed. This is for the girls who have left sad song lyrics in their away messages, who have tried to make someone understand through a subliminally appealing profile, who have time and time again dropped their male friend hint after hint after hint only to watch him chase after the first blonde girl in a skirt. This is for the girls who have been told that they’re too good or too smart or too pretty, who have been given compliments as a way of breaking off a relationship, whohave ever been told they are only wanted as a friend.

This one’s for the girls who you can take home to mom, but won’t because it’s easier to sleep with a whore than foster a relationship; this is for the girls who have been led on by words and kisses and touches, all of which were either only true for the moment, or never real to begin with. This is for the girls who have allowed a guy into their head and heart and bed, only to discover that he’s just not ready, he’s just not over her, he’s just not looking to be tied down; this is for the girls who believe the excuses because it’s easier to believe that it’s not that they don’t want you, it’s that they don’t want anyone. This is for the girls who have had their hearts broken and their hopes dashed by someone too cavalier to have cared in the first place; this is for the nights spent dissecting every word and syllable and inflection in his speech, for the nights when you’ve returned home alone, for the nights when you’ve seen from across the room him leaning a little too close, or standing a little too near, or talking a little too softly for the girl he’s with to be a random hookup. This is for the girls who have endured party after party in his presence, finally having realized that it wasn’t that he didn’t want a relationship: it was that he didn’t want you. I honor you for the night his dog died or his grandmother died or his little brother crashed his car and you held him, thinking that if you only comforted him just right, or said the right words, or rubbed his back in the right way then perhaps he’d realize what it was that he already had. This is for the night you realized that it would never happen, and the sunrise you saw the next morning after failing to sleep.

This is for the “I really like you, so let’s still be friends” comment after you read more into a situation than he ever intended; this is for never realizing that when you choose friends, you seldom choose those which make you cry yourself to sleep. This is for the hugs you’ve received from your female friends, for the nights they’ve reassured you that you are beautiful and intelligent and amazing and loyal and truly worthy of a great guy; this is for the despair you all felt as you sat in the aftermath of your tears, knowing that that night the only companionship you’d have was with a pillow and your teddy bear. This is for the girls who have been used and abused, who have endured what he was giving because at least he was giving something; this is for the stupidity of the nights we’ve believed that something was better than nothing, though his something was nothing we’d have ever wanted. This is for the girls who have been satisfied with too little and who have learned never to expect anything more: for the girls who don’t think that they deserve more, because they’ve been conditioned for so long to accept the scraps thrown to them by guys.

This is what I don’t understand. Men sit and question and whine that girls are only attracted to the mean guys, the guys who berate them and belittle them and don’t appreciate them and don’t want them; who use them for sex and think of little else than where their next conquest will be made. Men complain that they never meet nice girls, girls who are genuinely interested and compelling, who are intelligent and sweet and smart and beautiful; men despair that no good women want to share in their lives, that girls play mind games, that girls love to keep them hanging. Yet, men, I ask you: were you to meet one of these genuinely interested, thrillingly compelling, interesting and intelligent and sweet and beautiful and smart girls, were you to give her your number and wait for her to call… and if you were to receive a call from her the next day and she, in her truthful, loyal, intelligent and straightforward nice girl fashion, were to tell you that she finds you intriguing and attractive and interesting and worth her time and perhaps material from which she could fashion a boyfriend, would you or would you not immediately call your friends to tell them of the “stalker chick” you’d met the night prior, who called you and wore her heart on her sleeve and told the truth? And would you, or would you not, refuse to make plans with her, speak with her, see her again, and once again return to the bar or club or party scene and search once more for this “nice girl” who you just cannot seem to find? Because therein lies the truth, guys: we nice girls are everywhere. But you’re not looking for a nice girl.You’re not looking for someone genuinely interested in your intramural basketball game, or your anatomy midterm grade, or that argument you keep having with your father; you’re looking for a quick fix, a night when you can pretend to have a connection with another human being which is just as disposable as the condom you were using during it.

So don’t say you’re on the lookout for nice girls, guys, when you pass us up on every step you take. Sometimes we go undercover; sometimes we go in disguise: sometimes when that girl in the low cut shirt or the too tight miniskirt won’t answer your catcalls, sometimes you’re looking at a nice girl in whore’s clothing - - we might say we like the attention, we might blush and giggle and turn back to our friends, but we’re all thinking the same thing: “This isn’t me. Tomorrow morning, I’ll be wearing a t-shirt and flannel shorts, I’ll have slept alone and I’ll be making my hungover best friend breakfast. See through the disguise. See me.” You never do. Why? Because you only see the exterior, you only see the slutty girl who welcomes those advances. You don’t want the nice girl.. so don’t say you’re looking for a relationship: relationships take time and energy and intent, three things we’re willing to extend - - but in return, we’re looking for compassion and loyalty and trust, three things you never seem willing to express. Maybe nice guys finish last, but in the race they’re running they’re chasing after the whores and the sluts and the easy-targets… the nice girls are waiting at the finish line with water and towels and a congratulatory hug (and yes, if she’s a nice girl and she likes you, the sweatiness probably won’t matter), hoping against hope that maybe you’ll realize that they’re the ones that you want at the end of that silly race.

So maybe it won’t last forever. Maybe some of those guys in that race will turn in their running shoes and make their way to the concession stand where we’re waiting; however, until that happens, we still have each other, that silly race to watch, and all the chocolate we can eat (because what’s a concession stand at a race without some chocolate?)


Ode to the Nice Guys

(This rant was written for the Wharton Undergraduate Journal)

This is a tribute to the nice guys. The nice guys that finish last, that never become more than friends, that endure hours of whining and bitching about what assholes guys are, while disproving the very point. This is dedicated to those guys who always provide a shoulder to lean on but restrain themselves to tentative hugs, those guys who hold open doors and give reassuring pats on the back and sit patiently outside the changing room at department stores. This is in honor of the guys that obligingly reiterate how cute/beautiful/smart/funny/sexy their female friends are at the appropriate moment, because they know most girls need that litany of support. This is in honor of the guys with open minds, with laid-back attitudes, with honest concern. This is in honor of the guys who respect a girl’s every facet, from her privacy to her theology to her clothing style.

This is for the guys who escort their drunk, bewildered female friends back from parties and never take advantage once they’re at her door, for the guys who accompany girls to bars as buffers against the rest of the creepy male population, for the guys who know a girl is fishing for compliments but give them out anyway, for the guys who always play by the rules in a game where the rules favor cheaters, for the guys who are accredited as boyfriend material but somehow don’t end up being boyfriends, for all the nice guys who are overlooked, underestimated, and unappreciated, for all the nice guys who are manipulated, misled, and unjustly abandoned, this is for you.

This is for that time she left 40 urgent messages on your cell phone, and when you called her back, she spent three hours painstakingly dissecting two sentences her boyfriend said to her over dinner. And even though you thought her boyfriend was a chump and a jerk, you assured her that it was all ok and she shouldn’t worry about it. This is for that time she interrupted the best killing spree you’d ever orchestrated in GTA3 to rant about a rumor that romantically linked her and the guy she thinks is the most repulsive person in the world. And even though you thought it was immature and you had nothing against the guy, you paused the game for two hours and helped her concoct a counter-rumor to spread around the floor. This is also for that time she didn’t have a date, so after numerous vows that there was nothing “serious” between the two of you, she dragged you to a party where you knew nobody, the beer was awful, and she flirted shamelessly with you, justifying each fit of reckless teasing by announcing to everyone: “oh, but we’re just friends!” And even though you were invited purely as a symbolic warm body for her ego, you went anyways. Because you’re nice like that.

The nice guys don’t often get credit where credit is due. And perhaps more disturbing, the nice guys don’t seem to get laid as often as they should. And I wish I could logically explain this trend, but I can’t. From what I have observed on campus and what I have learned from talking to friends at other schools and in the workplace, the only conclusion I can form is that many girls are just illogical, manipulative bitches. Many of them claim they just want to date a nice guy, but when presented with such a specimen, they say irrational, confusing things such as “oh, he’s too nice to date” or “he would be a good boyfriend but he’s not for me” or “he already puts up with so much from me, I couldn’t possibly ask him out!” or the most frustrating of all: “no, it would ruin our friendship.” Yet, they continue to lament the lack of datable men in the world, and they expect their too-nice-to-date male friends to sympathize and apologize for the men that are jerks. Sorry, guys, girls like that are beyond my ability to fathom. I can’t figure out why the connection breaks down between what they say (I want a nice guy!) and what they do (I’m going to sleep with this complete ass now!). But one thing I can do, is say that the nice-guy-finishes-last phenomenon doesn’t last forever. There are definitely many girls who grow out of that train of thought and realize they should be dating the nice guys, not taking them for granted. The tricky part is finding those girls, and even trickier, finding the ones that are single.

So, until those girls are found, I propose a toast to all the nice guys. You know who you are, and I know you’re sick of hearing yourself described as ubiquitously nice. But the truth of the matter is, the world needs your patience in the department store, your holding open of doors, your party escorting services, your propensity to be a sucker for a pretty smile. For all the crazy, inane, absurd things you tolerate, for all the situations where you are the faceless, nameless hero, my accolades, my acknowledgement, and my gratitude go out to you. You do have credibility in this society, and your well deserved vindication is coming.


Did-Not-Vandalised at
10:58 AM

Friday, March 20, 2009

a new blogskin !
was forced to changed when the bandwidth exceeded for the pictures..
so.. at least its a new start..

starting work on monday..
i really can’t wait..
i’m not looking forward to the long and wierd working hours..
neither am i looking forward to getting scolded by customers for no reason..
and definately not to the loooonnngggg journey to and from work each day..
but i’m looking forward to the pay that will be coming in..
gonna get a laptop hopefully during the June IT fair..
and hopefully have a portable hard drive, a spare battery and a carrying case thrown in..
hahahaha.. i wouldn’t mind getting a higher end one if all these are bundled..
perhaps a docking station will do fine too.. or a bluetooth mouse.. =)
i know i’m asking for the stars.. hahaha..
OH.. i forgot to mention.. international warranty as well.. =)

anyway.. got a new wallet yesterday..
actually wanted to get a bag too.. but.. couldn’t find one that i like..
spend a couple of hours looking around TM and saw this one at wallet shop..
but they have only the display one left.. so..
went IKEA.. actually its just an excuse to go Courts to look around the laptop section..
had meatballs and chicken wings..
not very cheap though.. and the road that everyone have to walk to get to the eating place..
zzzz… very tiring.. hahaha…
after that went to the wallet shop at bugis.. where they had stock.. luckily..
fish and co for dinner because someone had a craving for fish and chips..
i am gonna get fat and broke fast if this kind of life continues…
going to play squash later..
get to lose weight.. take up quite some time.. fun.. and free of charge.. thank god..

can’t wait.. can’t wait…

exactly 6 more mnths later on this day..
it will be the first time on my own.. in a foreign land..
starting the next phase of my life, lasting three years..

Did-Not-Vandalised at
2:33 PM

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Did-Not-Vandalised at
11:39 PM

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Prayer – Andrea Boccelli & Celine Dion

I pray you'll be our eyes,
and watch us where we go
And help us to be wise,
in times when we don't know
Let this be our prayer,
when we lose our way
Lead us to the place,
guide us with your grace
To a place where we'll be safe.

La luce che tu dai
I pray we'll find your light
Nel cuore resterà
And hold it in our hearts
A ricordarci che
When stars go out each night
L'eterna stella sei

Nella mia preghiera
Let this be our prayer
Quanta fede c'è
When shadows fill our day

Lead us to a place
Guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe

Sognamo un mondo senza più violenza
Un mondo di giustizia e di speranza
Ognuno dia la mano al suo vicino
Simbolo di pace e di fraternità

La forza che ci dia
We ask that life be kind
È il desiderio che
And watch us from above
Ognuno trovi amor
We hope each soul will find
Intorno e dentro a sè
Another soul to love
Let this be our prayer
Let this be our prayer
Just like every child
Just like every child

Need to find a place,
guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
E la fede che
Hai acceso in noi




i had an eventful week…
and i am not even halfway through it..
first.. singtel called me.. saying they gonna offer me back the job..
and then… the school called me saying they cannot take me..
because of some MOE ruling about some stuff.. so..
i was waiting for that phone call for so many days..
and when singtel called.. i was so sure that i didnt get the teaching job..
that i took the singtel job..
the distance is relatively far.. its in amk..
and the working hours are not fixed..
i would prefer the teaching job though.. fate.. =(

Did-Not-Vandalised at
2:38 PM

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

saw this on facebook when abel posted a link to it.. lolx..
interesting.. hhmmm..


Did-Not-Vandalised at
12:03 AM


22 years old
May 5 1988

khs 1995 - 2000
cchms 2001 - 2004
tpjc 2005 - 2006
saf 2007 - 2009
singtel 2009
cvss 2009
into uea 2009 - 2010
evss 2010
uea 2010 - 2012




July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 December 2009 March 2010 May 2010 November 2010






Hit "Play"


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